Themed Weeks

Hannes Hawaii Tours - Triathlon Camp with Faris A-Sultan

Start date


End date



Playitas Resort

Are you dreaming of starting the season by logging your first kilometers under the southern sun with like-minded people? With our top coaches, led by Faris, by your side, you can fully focus on the sport, meet interesting people, and enjoy your vacation! The guides and the HHT team handle the training plans, emphasize technique development, and provide informative lectures on all things triathlon. Faris is always available to you and trains with every skill level group, from the fastest to the "not quite as fast" group.


All camps are welcoming international guests and will be held in German and English.

Interested? Click here for more information.

Not the right period for you? Here you can find all dates for the camps on Fuerteventura, organised by Hannes Hawaii Tours.

Event Type



Hannes Hawaii Tours
  • Official Sport Hotel Team Deutschland
  • Swedish Olympic Camp
  • DER Tour
  • BMC Bikes
  • Apollo Rejser DK
  • Apollo SE
  • Apollo Matkat FL
  • Apollo No
  • Hannes Hawaii Tours
  • ITS De
  • Jahn Reisen
  • Polar
  • Powerbar
  • Schwimmschule Sharky
  • Matchpoint World
  • Travelife