Seiwasser Art of Life - Event
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"The multivitamin cure for mind and body".
Meet the world in a new "I", approach challenges with joy and ease again and above all give yourself and others a smile. Experience the art of living through motivation, flexibility, concentration and energisation, mediated by Yasin Seiwasser.
In a week full of wonderful encounters with your own mind and body, you will experience a new ability to perform at work and more happiness and inner peace for your life. The combination of ancient and modern techniques from all over the world enables the participants to grow beyond themselves and to gain more quality of life.
Yasin Seiwasser, known worldwide as a peaceful warrior, has over 30 years of experience and practice in mental and life coaching as well as martial arts. Based on his many years of experience, Yasin Seiwasser developed the special programme "Seiwasser Art of Life", which can be specifically applied in various life situations.
from 749,- Euro
in a shared double room, incl. breakfast and event fee
Reservations can be made through our booking service +34 928 860 404 or booking@playitas.net mentioning Yasin Seiwasser.
"Being calm when it is peaceful is not real peace, everyone can do it. Only being calm in a stressful situation is real peace" Yasin Seiwasser
Read more about Yasin Seiwasser in the London Daily Post or in America Daily Post
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